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Buku Detail

De Naoorlogse Wijk In Historisch Perspectief : De Praktijk

Format : Buku

Call Number
UDC: 711.168


Rijksdienst voor de Monumentenzorg - Den Haag [nl] : VNG Uitgeverij, 2001

48 hlm.
De Naoorlogse Wijk In Historisch Perspectief : De Praktijk
Rijksdienst voor de Monumentenzorg

[Terj. Daerah pasca perang dalam perspektif sejarah : Praktek]

Methodology for mapping the historical factor of postwar neighborhoods.
The postwar years, many neighborhoods are addressed by developing the urban renewal policy. This guide describes a method of cultural historical importance to identify and utilize as a basis for improvement. The brochure addresses those municipal policy for ISV and Conservation.
Using a map of a postwar neighborhood illustrates how the historical factor can be mapped. Then the way that the historical factor balancing factor is used. Allows the qualities, opportunities and possibilities are referred to existing structures, buildings and values are crucial for postwar redevelopment of neighborhoods.

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